To my sweet three year old girl,
Three years ago today I had the incredible experience of birthing you into this world and meeting you for the first time. You won my heart immediately. Even before your birth and every day since then you have been tenacious, a quality I admire and stand in awe of. Even your shadow balks in your wake. I am so pleased to be in the presence of such a strong little girl. I see my own qualities in you sometimes. You are always working on your "projects" and you certainly run a tight ship around here, allowing little slack unless it's time to slack and then you have more fun than anyone. You allow me to laugh at life and at myself. Sometimes we need a little comic relief around here and you have impeccable timing. You have unmatchable energy and passion. You bound out of bed before the sun rises and I get the feeling you don't rest much in your dreams either. You test my patience and offer me the opportunity to grow. It's not an offer actually, it's more of a demand. You know you deserve the best and you're going to get it from your own mother if it kills her. I know I'm better for it. Just being in your presence is often an experience. You delight and dazzle. You don't hide any emotion and we already know you have great taste in love, I know I don't have any reason to worry about you. I look forward to watching you grow into yourself even more. I'll try to stay out of your way and let you do it however you need to. I love you more than words could ever express.
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