
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Beginning Again

After many months of studying and learning the North American Montessori Center method and curriculum and several weeks of organizing, printing, cleaning and planning for the upcoming year, we are off!
We are organized though not completely.
Some days the baby will be naked or nearly so. Some days she will be disruptive or funny.
Some days our classroom will not be perfect, it does double duty as a guestroom. Some days hair will not get brushed properly.

But hopefully each day we will all learn something.
And we'll all have fun.
Keep checking back! I hope to keep the blog updated once more.

1 comment:

Jeri said...

Congratulations, I am so proud of you. You have worked hard and done well. Now, the school year starts, how excited you must feel. Theron is already reading, so you are ahead of the game. I love the pictures, but see how tough it is to teach while watching Birdie. You need eyes in back of your head. You are doing a great job, I admire you for it. I love you! Mom
Glad to see the blog up again.